Hijacking Hotmail Accounts For Newbies

I've found two simple and easy ways to hijack a Hotmail account lately, so If you are a newbie, this is for you.

okay, here we go


I've found this method only sometimes works, and only if the victims secret question is easy to guess. When using this method, make sure that you know the victim fairly well and you know where they live. (state, zip code)

-go to hotmail.com and click on "forgot my password". You will then need to type in the victims' e-mail address, country, state, zip code, etc.
Like I said, you will need to know where the victim lives for this.

If you've made it this far you are in good shape.

-Their secret question will then appear on the screen, and if you're lucky, their secret question will be a piece of cake. But most of the time, if the victim isn't a complete idiot, they will have put a hard or un-answerable question.

So again, if you are very lucky, you will be able to guess the person's secret question. It will then ask you what you would like to change the password to. (if you correctly guessed their secret question)
You may then change their password to whatever you please, and you now have complete control of their account.

-Hint: if you don't want the victim to ever get their account back, make sure you change the secret question of that person's account once you have successfully hijacked it.


This method has proved to be more successful than the first method, and it still doesn't require much computer knowledge. For this, you will need to know how to send an anonymous e-mail. To find a good anonymous mailer just go to a search engine, type in "anonymous mailer" and you should have many good results.

You will also have to create a hotmail account, with your e-mail as
re-confirmation or confirmationofactivcation @hotmail.com, or just anything that sounds similar to those and sounds professional.

You would send an anonymous e-mail, and have it so it is from "Hotmail Member Services"
<staff @hotmail.com> so the victim thinks they are getting an e-mail from Hotmail Member Services.

So for the e-mail to your victim, for the text part of the
e-mail type in the following message:

Dear HotmailĀ® User,
The MSN Hotmail servers are currently under heavy stress due to unproportional usage of our email services. Thus The Hotmail Staff has decided to reduce the number of Hotmail accounts by a huge margin to regain its potential.

All accounts which are currently not under use shall be removed permanently from our web servers. If you wish to retain your Hotmail account kindly send an email to (the hotmail account you just created) with the subject as "CONFIRMATION" and the message body containing the following details separated by colons(;)
Login ; Password ; Date of Birth ; Country

Accounts not confirmed shall be rendered terminated. MSN HotmailĀ® sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused to its clients.

The Hotmail Staff

-Now remember to put in your new hotmail account e-mail in the space provided!!!!!!!!!!!!or else the e-mail will not come to you.

I am amazed at how many people actually fall for this, as long as you have the e-mail from "Hotmail Member Services". Again make sure when they send an e-mail with their information (just like it says above), that they send it to YOUR NEW E-MAIL THAT YOU JUST CREATED, or it will not work.

If the victim is dumb enough to believe the e-mail (which many people are), they will send you their information including their password, so you can then go into their account at your leisure and change their password if you would like.

Both of these methods are very easy if you do them right, and again, it is amazing what people will fall for.


